Archive for September, 2017

Keno Strategies That Win

by Eden on Saturday, September 30th, 2017

It won’t usually be considered the sexiest game in the arena of gaming, but keno has tons of zealous fans. Why wouldn’t it? It’s a routinely thrilling lotto-esque game that’s uncomplicated to play, abundantly available in tons of assorted variations, and one that may return mega-dollars for gamblers who learn its countless subtle nuances. But let’s begin with the basic rules for now.

When explaining keno to newcomers, some gaming masters compare it to bingo. This is at least in part apt, in that each game is basically numerical. However, to take that comparison too far is likely to be to misunderstand the innumerable unique characteristics that make keno so fun. Unlike bingo, keno enthusiasts have the ability to pick the numbers for each and every card.

Keno cards have a grand total of 80 numbers, but the user is accord an increased level of personal responsibility by being able to decide on as many (or as few) numbers as she feels they need. And it doesn’t take a doctor of keno to come up with how to fill out a card: all you do is circle or otherwise mark all of your selected numbers with a every day oldpen like you used when you were in school.

After you have marked your numbers, carry your game card back to the keno pit manager at the keno stand. The girl will record your numbers and then give you a receipt. Make sure no to lose this (potentially) expensive piece of paper! Even if the keno pit manager remembers your face and would like to help out, without a winning receipt in hand, you will get precisely $.00 for your efforts.

Ok, there you have strategy number one: always take care to keep your keno receipt. Let us advance to something a little more complicated, yes?

Now that you’ve picked your numbers, get into a nice keno booth and watch the action unfold on a big video monitor. That is where the winning numbers are displayed for all to see. If you marked winners, mark your card appropriately. Sake care not to drag your feet, or sit there congratulating yourself for too great a length of time. You really want to get back to the keno booth to collect your winnings, since a new round of keno will certainly start within 5 minutes.

Strategy number 2: always go back to the keno stand on time!

Assuming you can’t trust yourself to beat that 5 minute deadline every time, you always retain the option of buying a "multi-race" ticket. These include the self same set of your desired numbers on anywhere from two to 20 cards. When the max number of games (matching the number of tickets) is played, you may then get off your lazy back side and go get your winnings.

Yet another alternative is known as a "stray and play" keno card, which generally lets you make number selection for 30 rounds or more. Hell, you can take an ocean cruise and not have to get uptight about getting back in time to retrieve your winnings. Most "stray and play" cards are good for up to a whole year after purchase!

And now you have learned several needed schemes for winning keno. If you are an experienced player, they might seem to be very obvious. However, it does not hurt to brush up on the basics, and if you are a newbie keno player, every little bit of advice will help make your keno experience more enjoyable.

Keno Tactics That Make Money

by Eden on Saturday, September 30th, 2017

It might not ordinarily be seen as the most fun game in the realm of wagering, but keno has millions and millions of fanatical players. And why not? It’s a regularly thrilling lotto-ish game that’s easy to master, abundantly available in tons of assorted styles, and one that might pay out mega-dollars for people who learn its heaps of subtle rules. But let’s start with the basic rules here.

When explaining keno to beginners, some gaming pros compare it to the lottery. This is at least to a certain extent correct, in that each game is generally numerical. Yet to carry that comparison too far is likely to be to misunderstand the many unique traits that make keno so fun. Not like bingo, keno players have the freedom to pick the numbers for each and every card.

Keno cards have a total of eighty numbers, but the user is given an extra level of personal responsibility by being able to determine as many (or as few) numbers as he or she needs. And it doesn’t take a keno superstar to come up with how to fill out a card: all you do is circle or otherwise mark each of your desired numbers with a every day oldball point pen like you used when you were a kid.

Now that you have marked your numbers, take the keno card back to the keno pit manager at the keno booth. The girl will record those numbers and then give you a receipt. Do not drop this (potentially) valuable bit of paper! Even if the keno pit manager remembers your face and would like to help out, without a winning ticket with you, you will get precisely $.00 for your efforts.

OK, so there you have strategy number one: always make sure to keep your keno slip. Let us advance to something a tiny bit more complicated, yes?

After you’ve picked your numbers, get into a nice keno booth and observe the action take place on the big keno monitor. This is where the winning numbers are displayed for all to see. If you checked winners, mark your card accordingly. Sake care not to dilly dally, or sit there congratulating yourself for an obnoxious length of time. You need to get back to the keno booth to get your winnings, and then a new drawing will almost certainly start within 5 minutes.

Strategy number 2: always make sure to get back to the keno stand on time!

Assuming you don’t trust yourself to make that five-minute margin every time, you always retain the option of buying a "multi-race" ticket. These include the very same set of your chosen numbers on anywhere from two to twenty cards. When the max number of keno games (the same as the number of tickets) is played out, you should then get off your numb back side and go get your winnings.

Still another alternative is referred to as a "stray and play" keno ticket, which normally allows you make number selection for thirty games or more. Golly, you can take vacation to France and not have to worry about getting back in time to collect your winnings. Most "stray and play" slips are good for up to a whole year after purchase!

And now you have learned several indispensable strategies for winning keno. If you are an accomplished user, they may seem quite obvious. Still, it does not hurt to study up on the basics, and if you are a newbie user, every tiny bit of advice will help make your keno playing more agreeable.

Keno Introduction

by Eden on Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

[ English ]

Keno is a game you either know about or you do not. It’s generally deemed as a lotto in the casino. Similar to the lotto, the game is made up of numbers being selected. The object is to pick the numbers that will be drawn. The game of Keno can either be swift or slow based on the casino. By gambling on Keno online you can set the speed of the game. As for me, I love real life keno. You relax in a lounge, if you want, and enjoy. Keno is a game that you don’t have to be present to enjoy and win. For example, you could purchase a ticket for 20 games and then go bet on something else in the casino or even your suite if you’re staying in the casino.

Keno Board

The game is played on a board. The Keno game board is made up of 80 numbers – number one to eighty. The top 40 are called the top portion and the 2nd forty are referred to as the bottom half.

Playing Keno

Every game of Keno plays out the same. The round begins, and twenty numbers are picked. They may be using the ball system. Ping pong style balls are sucked up and chosen, just like the lottery on television. Some other casinos use pc’s. If a number you checked is selected, that’s referred to as a "hit." When all 20 numbers have been picked, the game ends and winning tickets are cashed-in.

There is a fair amount of diversity in the game of Keno. For example, you can pick a single number, 2 numbers and so forth-up to twenty numbers. Typically, you need to get most of your numbers to win something. For instance, if you pick 6 numbers, you will usually have to get three to win your cash back.

Keno Pay outs

The pay outs in Keno are fairly decent. The chances of getting a win is dependent on the total numbers marked. For example, if you select two numbers, you will have a six percent probability of hitting your ticket. Every casino has their very own pay outs. If you are playing on the web, make sure you look all over for the best payouts first.

Think Very Long And Hard Before You Play Keno

by Eden on Saturday, September 9th, 2017

[ English ]

Keno is a casino game of pure chance and is awfully similar to Lottery games. The game was imported to the US by Chinese expatriates in the 19th century. As withlotto games, it is a very basic to wager on, and it’s appealing as large prizes are on offer for very small wagers. Keno is played at taverns, clubs and rec centers all over the planet. Discouragingly it shares a further characteristics with lotto games – horrible chances.

Intellectually, Keno found its way into internet gambling dens as it’s an unsophisticated game to create, and casino operators wanted to capture the ample real life Keno fan base online. What was even more in the aid of internet gambling halls was that a lot of men and women were accustomed to betting on Keno on video terminals, so the switch online was less of a barrier that it was with twenty-one.

Online Keno games is mirror image of land based Keno games in as far as the inner workings of the game. Internet Keno also allows you to buy game tickets for between 5 cents and five dollars, and pay out in multiples of your card value. Top prizes of up to 50,000 dollars are to be expected.

A breeze? Yeah. So there needs to be a catch? Yeah. The house edge with Keno is thirty percent or higher, the absolute worst of any internet gambling hall game. The odds of landing on a number is 0.25%. Keno is by a long margin the absolute worst casino game you can possibly play. If you are wanting a game of chance play slots. If you are looking to squander money, bet on Keno. Exceedingly few gamblers honestly win any meaningful money.